Friday, May 28, 2010

Part three of YOU control her story

As we went to his ocean colored room I saw his study table filled with tons of books and pictures.
He has many memories with his family. He has a picture of his mom, Ma'am Charlotte, his whole family, but the picture that amide me feel low about myself. I saw a picture with Him and Ciara (the most annoying girl ever) wearing the same shir, eating strawberry ice cream. I remember that picture, I think it was during the sports day in our school. *Sigh* Why am I falling in love with you Jake! I just kept staring at the picture till' Jake held my shoulder.
"Oh sorry." I said
"No prob. Why are you looking at that picture." he said, he grabbed the picture of him and Ciara.
"Are you jealous of this?" he asked, sounding very silly trying to to tell me the truth that I like him.
"No." I said straight
"Fine." he went to his closet finding something.
After 15 min sitting on the hard bed waiting for Jake to find something.
"HERE IT is!" he reached his arm in the closet. He took a camera.
"Why are you looking for a camera?" I asked sounding brainless
"I wanna add you in my great or happiest memory." he said.
He got a camera stand and place the camera on top, he placed the timer. He sat right next to me on the bed. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. he..
A. Kissed my cheek
B. He hugged me
C. He made his cutest smile, ever

Vote now!
TO Vote: Vote through your comment box (post a comment) then type VOTE[space] then the letter you chose :]

Instructions, For YOU CONTROL HER STORY.

For new readers and maybe for old readers too:

After reading I will put a poll for you to vote which you like to happen next
ex. There I was sitting in the meadow and then I saw:
A. A man
B. A rabbit
C. A dog

TO VOTE: Type on the comment box (find the button POST A COMMENT): VOTE[space] the the letter you chose that you want to happen next.
-This is a MUST, or else I will not count your vote if you did not follow this.
- Every 5 or more votes I see, I shall post another one with most votes they have
ex. Number of votes of letter A has 2 votes, Letter B has 4 votes letter C has no votes, then Letter B wins and will be the next thing that will happen get it?
-Don't be sad if your vote has the least votes, there is always a next time right?

TO SUGGEST: Type on the comment box: SUGGEST[space] then your POSITIVE SUGGESTION
- Only positive suggestions please, example what do you think you like on this part, what you don't like on the part, etc. WARNING, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PLACE ANY BAD WORDS or hurt feelings of others.
-Oh yeah, you can also place your suggestion after you vote
ex. VOTE A [press enter]
SUGGEST [space] your suggestion

Thursday, May 27, 2010

You control her. Part 2 summary

This is part 2 summary
++ Announcement! Check out my album please on Stardoll!
Now after they watched, they felt hungry so they ordered pizza and ate. When Jane was washing the dishes, her phone rang and saw a text message from Jake that he forgot his lucky but manly bracelet from Jane's house. But suddenly Alex took her phone to joke around with and Jane wants it back. So Alex made 5 questions for her, 4 questions were random till' the 5 question was a bit hard for her. The question is if she likes Alex. Well she said YES. She escaped to meet Jake to give his bracelet back then she met his manner-ful grandma, Ma'am Charlotte. And now Jane and Jake are now on his room, Jane looked at Jake's picture with the brat, Ciara wearing the same shirt.

Yaay, now you know what happened before, next post is part 3! You can now Vote there.
Instructions can be found there too.

p.s Its their summer vacation, someone burned the school and the teachers are still finding it out!

You control her. Summary part 1

Hello! This is my very first successful story on AskPaulinaGirls (club on Stardoll)
Although its too bad that the managers of the club deleted it two times already, yes annoying isn't it?

For the readers (here) who doesn't know or maybe interested in reading my successful story here is the summary of part one:
There is a girl named Jane, and this year, she wants to be much cooler and flirtier.She finally gets the chance to be cool when Ciara the queen bee of the school, invites her to a party... but Ciara’s boyfriend is Jake.. Which is actually Jane’s crush for a long time.. Before all that happened, Jane meets a cute but nerdy boy at the bus stop and, he falls for her but Jane still likes Jake. Well.. back to the party, Ciara played a game and they have to kiss or pie which if you want kiss, you’ll kiss the person for 10mins or you would like a pie be thrown at you and place it on the school board.
Alex got Jane and then went extreme. So Jane felt embarrassed and hid somewhere.. Jake went to look for her and found her. They started hanging out and stuff.. Jane made a website about Ciara (it’s full of gossip) and then JAKE saw it, but it was all good, he wanted to help. After when Jake went home. Alex came and talked to her and apologized about being “extreme” on Ciara’s party. Jane accepted his apology and started to hang out. First, they watched a scary movie and he got freaked out. Jane also thought to scare him and sounded like a little girl…
And. yeah, that's about it.
-This is part made by one of my readers Dog-Lvr (on Stardoll)
Part Two on next post ;]

Welcome Lovely Story Readers

Hello everyone! This Jazmin y'all! I am opening this blog for story readers, story makers and more.
Expect me writing stories here too!
You may also write stories here too, Soon.
So yeah, have a nice day

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(Check me out!)
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