Friday, May 28, 2010

Instructions, For YOU CONTROL HER STORY.

For new readers and maybe for old readers too:

After reading I will put a poll for you to vote which you like to happen next
ex. There I was sitting in the meadow and then I saw:
A. A man
B. A rabbit
C. A dog

TO VOTE: Type on the comment box (find the button POST A COMMENT): VOTE[space] the the letter you chose that you want to happen next.
-This is a MUST, or else I will not count your vote if you did not follow this.
- Every 5 or more votes I see, I shall post another one with most votes they have
ex. Number of votes of letter A has 2 votes, Letter B has 4 votes letter C has no votes, then Letter B wins and will be the next thing that will happen get it?
-Don't be sad if your vote has the least votes, there is always a next time right?

TO SUGGEST: Type on the comment box: SUGGEST[space] then your POSITIVE SUGGESTION
- Only positive suggestions please, example what do you think you like on this part, what you don't like on the part, etc. WARNING, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PLACE ANY BAD WORDS or hurt feelings of others.
-Oh yeah, you can also place your suggestion after you vote
ex. VOTE A [press enter]
SUGGEST [space] your suggestion

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