Thursday, May 27, 2010

You control her. Part 2 summary

This is part 2 summary
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Now after they watched, they felt hungry so they ordered pizza and ate. When Jane was washing the dishes, her phone rang and saw a text message from Jake that he forgot his lucky but manly bracelet from Jane's house. But suddenly Alex took her phone to joke around with and Jane wants it back. So Alex made 5 questions for her, 4 questions were random till' the 5 question was a bit hard for her. The question is if she likes Alex. Well she said YES. She escaped to meet Jake to give his bracelet back then she met his manner-ful grandma, Ma'am Charlotte. And now Jane and Jake are now on his room, Jane looked at Jake's picture with the brat, Ciara wearing the same shirt.

Yaay, now you know what happened before, next post is part 3! You can now Vote there.
Instructions can be found there too.

p.s Its their summer vacation, someone burned the school and the teachers are still finding it out!

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