Thursday, May 27, 2010

You control her. Summary part 1

Hello! This is my very first successful story on AskPaulinaGirls (club on Stardoll)
Although its too bad that the managers of the club deleted it two times already, yes annoying isn't it?

For the readers (here) who doesn't know or maybe interested in reading my successful story here is the summary of part one:
There is a girl named Jane, and this year, she wants to be much cooler and flirtier.She finally gets the chance to be cool when Ciara the queen bee of the school, invites her to a party... but Ciara’s boyfriend is Jake.. Which is actually Jane’s crush for a long time.. Before all that happened, Jane meets a cute but nerdy boy at the bus stop and, he falls for her but Jane still likes Jake. Well.. back to the party, Ciara played a game and they have to kiss or pie which if you want kiss, you’ll kiss the person for 10mins or you would like a pie be thrown at you and place it on the school board.
Alex got Jane and then went extreme. So Jane felt embarrassed and hid somewhere.. Jake went to look for her and found her. They started hanging out and stuff.. Jane made a website about Ciara (it’s full of gossip) and then JAKE saw it, but it was all good, he wanted to help. After when Jake went home. Alex came and talked to her and apologized about being “extreme” on Ciara’s party. Jane accepted his apology and started to hang out. First, they watched a scary movie and he got freaked out. Jane also thought to scare him and sounded like a little girl…
And. yeah, that's about it.
-This is part made by one of my readers Dog-Lvr (on Stardoll)
Part Two on next post ;]

1 comment:

  1. Nawww.
    'tis me.
    Do you want to be a writer here?
    Yes, I want to!


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